Long days, short two months! That how I would describe our summer this year. We didn’t plan anything special for this summer as we have some amazing plans for fall and winter. Plus our daughter has been in a theater camp for a whole month. So our summer days were filled with local activities, daily pool trips, and hanging out with our pup!
The highlights of our summer were our camping trips with our good friends! We love it pretty intense – deep in the woods, in a rooftop tent, all covered in mud and dust. I’ve picked a couple of images with us the cleanest, lol. But it was the best time unplugging and enjoying the great outdoors from dawn to way past midnight (scroll down for some Milky Way pics)!

Summer is also dense with our family dates: both kids have summer birthdays and our anniversary as well!
We’ve thrown a cute and girly SPA-inspired party at home for Kate’s eighth birthday. Girls did their makeup, nails, bath bombs, and soap. Our walls were shaking from giggles and screams of joy!

Mark had RAWRsome time with his little friends at his gymnastics birthday party! Can’t believe our little men turned four!

Here’s to a beautiful summer!