Meet Emily, Eli and their seven months old bundle of joy – baby Jake!
Emily wanted her two pups to be in the family pictures and they did so great! Can you imagine this gorgeous mama walking her two powerful and curious dogs and pushing a stroller?! Emily, I’m so impressed!
We had to slightly adjust our session to Jake’s nap schedule and these 15 minutes made a huge difference! The entire 1 hour session Jake was smiling, looking at the camera and exploring the park around him! Such a champ!
We choose Guadalupe Oak Grove park with beautiful oak trees and plenty of sun as a backdrop! I’m so glad we still have this warm sunny weather in October – a perfect weather for beautiful lace dresses and bare baby feet!
Emily, Eli, it was such a pleasure and joy to work with your family and I love this gallery so much! Hope you like it too!
Enjoy some of my favorites from this session!